Creating a Magical World

To write a swords and sorcery novel, you need to have sorcery in there somewhere. And to have sorcery, you need magic. I figure every fantasy writer struggles with how to represent magic in their work. On the one hand, you want magic to behave predictably so it seems more believable, at least in the […]

The Principles of Vaetra

This post is part of a series I did to describe how magic works in the Vaetra Chronicles. If you would like to read the other posts as well, check out the Theory of Vaetra category. [SCROLL LABEL] Sources and Flows of Vaetra, Volume 1 The Principles of Vaetra Level: Initiate Author: Bartrand Longbotul, Professor […]

For Whom Does the Blog Toll?

Writers are encouraged to start a blog and write about their writing experiences. Okay, I did that, and here it is. But who do I expect to read this thing? A blog is a great way to express yourself and to chronicle your adventures in writing. But if you want anyone other than your wife […]

Whoopee, It’s Time to Write!

A common lament I see among my fellow authors is “how do I find the time to write?“ I’ve asked that question myself, and I went in search of answers. It wasn’t difficult. I found no shortage of suggestions around the Internet. The problem is that the suggestions aren’t universal. What works for one person […]

The Advantages of Traditional Publishing Aren’t

I plan to self-publish my first fiction book. By the time I get a traditional publishing contract (assuming I ever would) and finish my book, all of the advantages of going with a traditional publisher will be gone. In many respects, those advantages are already gone, which is why even some successful traditionally-published authors have […]

How Do You Learn to Write Fiction?

When I set out to write my first novel, I knew I had a lot to learn. Although I’ve been writing for many years and have experience as a copy editor, most of my writing has been non-fiction. Sure, I’ve put together the occasional poem or ode. I’ve written short fiction passages when a particular […]