Since about 2006 I’ve been putting all of my writing projects into a software program called IdeaWeaver. I used IdeaWeaver as a note repository, personal knowledge base, and first drafting tool. It helped my wife and me write many articles and several non-fiction books. I loved working in IdeaWeaver rather than a word processor like […]
Kindle X-Ray and the Vaetra Unveiled Cast of Characters
One of my beta readers for Vaetra Unveiled suggested that I include a glossary of character names in the book. It was a good suggestion, but I was so wrapped up in revisions that I forgot about it until after the book was published. However, it’s never too late to publish the information on the […]
Nano What?
The writing community is abuzz with tweets and blog posts about National Novel Writing Month (“NaNoWriMo” or simply “Nano”), which pits ambitious authors against the goal of writing 50,000 original words in the month of November. The event makes a big splash in the publishing industry. I’m not sure how many writers are participating this […]
The Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign Begins
I’ve been looking forward to this moment. I read about Rachael Harrie’s Platform-Building Campaigns several months ago and just missed being able to participate in the Second Campaign (formerly called a “Crusade.”) But now is my Big Chance. Rachael just opened up the Third Campaign to participants, and I’m signing up as I write this. […]
Be the Casting Director for Your Characters
I had a fun idea this week on how to bring characters to life in my writing. I decided to play casting director, and I started casting specific actors in the roles of my characters. I know this isn’t an original idea, but it’s not a suggestion I’ve run across yet, so it’s new to […]
Got Personality?
This past week has been about characters. The blogs I follow have had posts relating to developing character, and the fiction writing book I’m currently reading, Plot versus Character by Jeff Gerke, is covering character development as well. One of the tools for developing character is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), based on the works […]