Nano What?

The writing community is abuzz with tweets and blog posts about National Novel Writing Month (“NaNoWriMo” or simply “Nano”), which pits ambitious authors against the goal of writing 50,000 original words in the month of November. The event makes a big splash in the publishing industry. I’m not sure how many writers are participating this […]

Mapping for Fun and Clarity

I’ve always had a thing for maps. For years, my bedroom sported a large map of the World of Greyhawk (from my D&D role-playing days) above my bed. Yeah, it was a real chick magnet. I liked the map because it was colorful and the fantasy aspect appealed to me. After a day of facing […]

Before and After (Beta Lessons 5)

This post is the fifth in a series I’ve been writing on Beta Lessons (formerly called “What My Beta Readers Have Taught Me”). Links to the first four posts in the series are at the end. This week, I thought it might be fun to share some of the changes I’ve made to the opening […]

In the Throes of Revision (Beta Lessons 4)

This is the fourth post in a series I’ve been writing on Beta Lessons (formerly What My Beta Readers Have Taught Me). Links to the first three posts in the series are at the end. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve learned some things about revision. The most surprising thing I’ve learned is that […]

Working with Critique Partners (Beta Lessons 3)

This is the third post in a series I’ve been writing on What My Beta Readers Have Taught Me—now abbreviated to Beta Lessons. Links to the first two posts in the series are at the bottom of this post. During my research into fiction writing, I routinely encountered the advice that writers should get feedback […]

Fight for the Right to Write

So far, Rachel Harrie’s Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign has been fun and educational. I’m meeting many new authors, some of whom are in the same Fantasy group as me, and others are from different campaign groups. This collection of writers is one of the most friendly, genuine, and dynamic I’ve found online, and I feel fortunate […]

What My Beta Readers Have Taught Me – Lesson 2

This post is the second in a series on lessons I’ve learned from the beta readers who are reviewing the manuscript for my forthcoming novel Vaetra Unveiled. You can read the first post here. Step Beyond Your Own Experience They say you should write what you know. That advice works great until you are writing […]

What My Beta Readers Have Taught Me – Lesson 1

As you may have gathered from previous posts, the manuscript for my forthcoming novel Vaetra Unveiled is undergoing second draft rewrites and a simultaneous review by beta readers. I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned from the notes I’ve gotten back from my beta readers. Lesson #1: Brace Yourself I told my […]

Evolution of a Beat Sheet

Author and writing coach Larry Brooks introduced me to a writing tool called a “beat sheet.” It has become my favorite story planning tool. Put simply, a beat sheet is an ordered list of the scenes in your book; an outline, more or less. The name comes from a drumming analogy, where the story milestones […]

Overcoming Project Completion Resistance Syndrome

Big news! I finished the first draft of Vaetra Unveiled. My writing really slowed down in the past two weeks. Life events played a role, but partly it was what I’m calling “Project Completion Resistance Syndrome” or “PCRS.” I don’t think I’m the only person who suffers from PCRS. Check out the symptoms and see […]