Trying to keep up with all of the social networking platforms can be a challenge. One of the things I’ve done to ease the burden is to wire up my blog to some of my social networking accounts. Soon after I publish a new post on my blog, a link to the post automatically shows […]
The Third Writers’ Platform-Building Campaign Begins
I’ve been looking forward to this moment. I read about Rachael Harrie’s Platform-Building Campaigns several months ago and just missed being able to participate in the Second Campaign (formerly called a “Crusade.”) But now is my Big Chance. Rachael just opened up the Third Campaign to participants, and I’m signing up as I write this. […]
Crossing Swords
This has been an interesting week for me. I’ve been actively commenting on some of the blogs I follow, which has resulted in a few virtual conversations with other writers. One of my favorite fiction writing blogs is The site is actually a collaboration of multiple published authors, most of whom are contributors to […]
For Whom Does the Blog Toll?
Writers are encouraged to start a blog and write about their writing experiences. Okay, I did that, and here it is. But who do I expect to read this thing? A blog is a great way to express yourself and to chronicle your adventures in writing. But if you want anyone other than your wife […]